Frequently Asked Question

Daurau Farms is located in the village ‘Daurau’, Aligarh. It is a 2 hour drive from Noida. Our farm is named after the village as a tribute to the farmers of Daurau.

Yes, we do encourage farm visits so you can witness what goes into producing the best quality milk. At the farm, you will be able to see our agricultural lands, our cows, our advance technology used for milking & processing equipment to make the milk safe.Take a tour with your family and with Daurau Farms, be assured of what your family is consuming every single day.

Daurau Farms is one of India's most technology driven dairies. Daurau Farms is a fully integrated dairy farm with its own agricultural fields for fodder, cutting-edge barns, fully automated milking parlours, chilling units, pasteurisation unit, packing line, cold stores, and our own cold-chain delivery van. To put it another way, we have everything we need to grow goodness. We are a dairy farm that is self-sufficient, sustainable, and high-tech.

Daurau Farms is not a milk aggregator; we make our own milk. We have complete control over every step of the process of creating good, wholesome milk as milk producers. Starting with the healthiest breed of cows, the right mix of organic fodder, regular supervision of cow's health and comfort, milking hygiene, maintaining the highest standards of sheds and barns, and finally ensuring safe delivery of the cow's wholesome milk straight from our farm to your home, we take special care of every detail.

  • We don't use any preservatives or adulterants.
  • We don't use any pesticides in the feed for the cows, and they only eat organic fodder cultivated on the farm.
  • Our cows do not receive antibiotics or hormonal steroids.
  • The entire milking and packaging process is totally automated, making it completely hygienic.
  • Our cows are happy. They are free to explore, sunbathe, and sleep in their comfortable barns

Whole milk is milk that has not had any of its ingredients removed or altered. It is a non-standardised milk in which the fat content has not been fixed to a specific level by additional processing. Whole milk is unprocessed milk that has all of the nutrients in its natural state as received from the cow. It's milk the way nature intended it to be. Daurau Farms Milk is hence Whole Cow's Milk

Full fat cow milk cannot be compared to conventional brand milk because the latter is primarily made from Buffalo's milk. In addition, cream/fat is added in percentage proportions to create different variants in conventional brands. Conventional full cream brands have a fat content of 6%.

  • Cow's whole milk cannot contain more than 3.5% - 4.1% fat because it is a natural lactating property of the cow that it is low in fat and thus easy to digest. As a result, it is widely accepted that cow milk fat is GOOD FAT.

Pasteurization is a process of heating the milk to 72 degree Celsius and gradually cooling it down to 4 degree so as to kill bacteria present in the milk & to further protect milk from excess bacterial growth.

Our cow milk is pasteurized at the farm removing the need for you to boil the milk. Also, as the milk temperature is continuously maintained till it reaches your doorstep, you can consume the milk directly from the Gabletop.

We can't tell whether it's A1 or A2 milk scientifically because India doesn't have A1/A2 certification. Most milch cattle produce milk that contains both A1 and A2 protein, but we can't say how much. It can be in any proportion for a specific cow, such as 50/50, 60/40, 70/30, and so on...

Some people try to sell their milk as A2 milk, claiming that A2 milk comes only from Indian cows and is therefore superior to milk containing A1 protein. This is a myth intended to mislead consumers because there is no compelling proof that A2 milk is superior to A1 milk.

Yes, we have International Organization for Standardization certification (ISO). In addition, the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India has granted approval (FSSAI).

We provide sample test reports from FSSAI accredited labs on a regular basis to ensure the quality of the milk. All subscribers are welcome to visit the farm by appointment to learn about the farm and its processes

Milk stored continuously under 4 degrees Celsius can be consumed within 2-3 days from the date of packaging.

We are currently breeding Holstein-Friesian cattle.
We are conclusively opposed to the use of Oxytocin or any other form of hormone.
Antibiotic resistance’ is a growing public health problem. Antibiotic resistance is a phenomenon where the virus which is supposed to be responsive to antibiotics start showing resistance. This puts us at risk when exposed to viruses.
‘Antibiotic resistance’ occurs when we overconsume antibiotics Cows in general are treated with antibiotics when they are sick. The milk of those cows has traces of antibiotics for few days. At Daurau Farms, we isolate the cows which are on a course of antibiotics and thus avoid milking them with the other cows. This makes our milk antibiotic free.
Every day, our cows are fed a well-planned meal. We grow high-quality maize, alfalfa, greens, soya, and bran to prepare a balanced diet that will keep them healthy and happy. Our nutritionists ensure that the proper balance of minerals and vitamins is maintained. They devise a menu based on the cows' ages and physical requirements. The menu, as you might expect, changes on a regular basis to include fresh seasonal crops and specials to keep our cows interested and munching all day.
Every day, our cows are fed a well-planned meal. We grow high-quality maize, alfalfa, greens, soya, and bran to prepare a balanced diet that will keep them healthy and happy. Our nutritionists ensure that the proper balance of minerals and vitamins is maintained. They devise a menu based on the cows' ages and physical requirements. The menu, as you might expect, changes on a regular basis to include fresh seasonal crops and specials to keep our cows interested and munching all day. This is referred to as a Total Meal Ration, and it is intended to keep each cow in peak health. As a result, rich, wholesome milk is produced that is both natural and full of the vital goodness of cow's milk.
Cows have an important place in our culture and at Daurau Farms, we extend that tradition by providing our cows with the best housing, nutrition & healthcare.Our staff is well trained to nurture our cows with love

Daurau Farms milk is transported in refrigerated vans from the plant to the depot. Refrigeration facilities are available at all depots. The milk is then delivered to your door in insulated boxes to keep it at the ideal temperature.

Daurau Farm delivers in Noida, Greater Noida, and Ghaziabad.

We have a pre-paid milk subscription available. Subscriptions are accessible on the website or through our app "Daurau Farms," which is available on both Android and iOS. All you have to do is register and set up your membership according to your preferences and needs. To create your subscription, simply follow these simple steps.

  • Log in to your account using the Daurau Farms website or the Daurau Farms app. Fill in your information and register.
  • After you've logged in, replenish your wallet to your satisfaction.
  • Choose from a variety of subscription options, including daily, alternate day, third-day, and fourth-day subscriptions. You can choose the quantity that best suits your needs.
  • If your needs aren't met by the aforementioned alternatives, we may create a customised solution for you, in which you specify the days and quantities you need on those days. All of this may be controlled with a single button press.
    If you require any support, please contact us at 18001024122.

You can pay using the following methods: Online mode is available (Credit card, Debit card, Net banking, other wallet options)Cheque / Cash ( In case of cash collection please intimate us about it via call or mail )

Yes, through our app or website, you can make modifications up to 7:30 p.m. the day before. If the same needs to be transmitted by phone or letter, it can only be done between 9 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. the day before.

The minimum order quantity is one litre.

Our milk gets delivered only in the morning slot i.e., between 6AM-10AM

Yes, milk deliveries can be paused and restarted via our website or app at any time before 7:30 p.m. the day before. You can also contact our customer service department a day ahead of time between 9 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.

Unless there is an extreme emergency circumstance, your milk is delivered 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

Our cow milk is delivered at your doorstep without any delivery charges.